Tuesday, August 20, 2013

So what do you do for a living?

It’s a scenario I know you’re familiar with: you meet someone for the first time, you exchange pleasantries, you perhaps comment on the weather or some common ground. Then the question gets asked “so what do you do for a living?” Now you have a choice. I don’t know if you know it but you have a powerful opportunity here to leave an impact on someone that they may never forget.
The vast majority of people (and I’m including myself in this) when asked this question “so what do you do for a living?” begin to describe their position in the organization they work for. Depending on who I’m talking to,here are some of the answers that I would give to this question today: I am a leadership development coach, I am a management and leadership trainer, I am a continuous improvement coach, I am a lean mentor.
Team picture of CCBRT staff after 3 days of hands on problem solving using Lean Thinking

When I reflect on it deeply I almost never describe the purpose of the organization that I contribute to. So if I were answer with that in mind I would say “I contribute to a Tanzania where people have access toquality disability services as well as safe maternal and newborn healthcare – I do this by teaching my colleagues on the most powerful continuous improvement methodology every discovered by man”.
But maybe there is a better question – rather than “What do you do for a living?” instead ask “what do you want to do for a living?” Now that’s a powerful question. Think of how many people who don’t even allow themselves to answer or even ask that question. However with all my heart I know this question is deeply important to everyone. It’s a question in my opinion that in part justifies why our soul / our spirit exists. It’s a question that makes us uniquely human.
There are millions of different answers to the question “what do you want to do for a living?” I’m going to make an assumption here, but I pretty sure your answer would relate to your vision of living a life that would leave a legacy. You vision of living a life of greatness. However greatness is never achieved by copying others.  I would do you a disservice and insult you if I simply asked you to follow me. After all, what do I know about you and what your purpose is in life? My opinions should have no influence on the truth of your purpose in Life. But I deeply believe that both you and I have a purpose, that greatness is something that is not started by transforming things around us, but greatness is started from transformation of self, where your purpose is discovered, grown and released from within.
The outcomes of all our work in CCBRT are felt by our patients - how can we keep these infants safe from harm?

Within me I have a strong burning feeling the coming to Africa and spreading Lean Thinking into Healthcare is part of my purpose. The feeling I get from this work gives me satisfaction, it gives me contribution to something bigger than self, it gives me meaning, it gives me significance. However, I don’t want this letter to be about me. I want this to be about you. I sincerely do want you to find your Truth. To find your Purpose. So my challenge to you as I finish this letter. Do not focus on me or how you’re going to answer the question “What do you do for a living?” but instead focus on asking yourself a better question “What do I want to do for a living?” Warning: The answer will take time. Warning: The answer will CHANGE your life.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Podcast with Mark Graban from the LeanBlog

After much background work I am delighted to share the link to our Podcast interview with one of my favorite people in the world of Lean - Mark Graban, please check it out

Saturday, July 13, 2013

How do you want to be remembered?

Dr. Brenda has been on the frontlines of Maternal Healthcare in Tanzania for the last 22 years. I first met her on my 3rd trip to Tanzania in Nov 2012. At the time my 1.5year long internal discussion to quit the US and move to Africa was reaching its conclusion. I remember Dr. Brenda sharing with me a story of one of her attempted interventions in maternal and newborn healthcare in Dar es Salaam, the largest city in Tanzania. She talked about of how she saw the massive gaps in the management and leadership of the maternal hospitals in the city, the blame game & unchallenged assumptions were the norm, with a total absence of knowledge of the current situation on the ground. Mothers and babies were dying at a rate that was getting worse. She told me how she reached out to an industry that was booming in Tanzania – the tourism industry; she asked a manager of a successful hotel chain if he would consider helping the situation by training these public health managers. His answer was brutal. “It’s impossible, this is public health in Africa, it will never work”. Dr. Brenda told me she refused to believe his perspective. She proclaims with all her heart “There is a way to prevent these deaths, I’m convinced of that, we just haven’t found it yet”. In Lean thinking she has found the answer.
Dr. Brenda and Michael coaching at one of the local maternal hospitals 

Since then I moved to Tanzania full time in Feb 2013. When I reflect on the time I have spent working with Dr. Brenda, I am amazed at the similarities between my previous experience working as an Lean Practitioner in the manufacturing industry in the US and Europe.  The root causes of our problems and our management and leadership behaviors follow similar patterns. Waste is universal in every organization. Lean is the enemy of waste and the most effective & efficient method “invented” in human history to attack waste and thus increase value to humanity.  From errors in the procurement of hospital supplies to a mothers labor records not being correctly filled out, the same themes appear –Lack of communication, no standard in place, the standard not being followed or the standard being incorrect! There are no new battles. Lean can work in every organization in the world. Today we are proving that Lean Thinking is one of the greatest interventions we can make in what is one of the world’s greatest humanitarian crisis – The African Healthcare System.
My job description here can be summarized in two words – Developing People. The joy I get of seeing those “ah-ha” moments in a leader that I am working with as they begin to develop habits that will transform how they manage and lead their organizations, ultimately increasing the value to patients. My proudest moments are those times at the GEMBA (the place where the work happens) when I observe the student, like Dr. Brenda, becoming the teacher to her colleagues. In the context of this humanitarian crisis nothing that I have ever done in North America or Europe can compare with the meaning and sense of purpose I get from this work. Nothing can compare to this feeling of significance and contribution. We are currently working with 3 of the largest Maternal Hospitals in the city. In 2012 these 3 hospitals reported a total of 56,622 Deliveries with - 1,594 Still Births (2.8%), 800 Neonatal Deaths (1.4%) and 115 Maternal Deaths (0.2%). This thing we call “lean” is already starting to make a difference on preventing more unnecessary deaths.
 Dr. Brenda and Michael coaching  problem solving to maternal healthcare leaders 

In my recent trip back to visit my family in Ireland, I had many of my friends speak privately to me about their admiration of the work I am doing here and their wish they could do something similar. When I encourage them that they can – so starts the “yeah but” conversations. So that gets me to ask myself the question “who am I writing this for?”.  99.99% of people who read this won’t do anything, 99.99% of people I engage with won’t do anything. But it’s the 0.01% that will, that keep me motivated. There is a desperate need to convert great intentions into action – action in the form of

  1. Boots on the ground (if only for 2 weeks)
  2. Helping to fund our program  
  3. Helping to spread the word of what we are doing here. 

This is an opportunity for the 0.01% to make history, to leave a legacy after the short time we have on this planet. Join me, join us, help them. In the words of Dr. Brenda “22 years I have been in Maternal Healthcare in Tanzania, if you gave me the choice of teaching clinical skills or lean thinking – I would pick lean thinking all the time”. So my message to the 0.01% - what are you going to do? How do you want to be remembered?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My first 79 days

My first 79 days


My name is Michael, 30 years of age who moved 79 days ago to Tanzania, Africa from my comfortable life in the US, to work as a Leadership Development Coach (Lean consultant) for not for profit healthcare provider CCBRT on a 2 year contract.  I will attempt to summarize my experiences & thoughts on what has been the most challenging change in my life. 

Work related Summary:
I have got an engaged senior leadership team at CCBRT, what more can I ask for - this is every consultants dream. For a lean transformation to happen it must begin with the leaders - the one-one's with the CEO and his deputy and the 3 day workshop I co-facilitated with the entire senior management team has convinced me that they have the capacity to make the changes needed in their own thinking. A lean transformation to my knowledge has never been done in healthcare in Africa. For those folks that don't know what a lean transformation is my best and latest definition is that we are trying to create a continuous improvement culture with the organization focused on patient value. It's a journey that never ends, it will be new way of thinking, it will be tough, it will be difficult, it is necessary and it will be worth it. They will make history here.
Members of the CCBRT Senior Leadership Team 
Non-work related summary:
My priorities when I arrived. Find a house, find friends, find a football team and find a church (I'm not sure in what order that is). The house I live in - in honesty is ridiculous. I live in luxury. I share guilt when saying this but also honesty, I am content with the choice I made. I live in a western style compound of 8 houses with a swimming pool and high rise fence and 24-hour security. I am neighbours with UNESCO and the Russian, Swiss and French Embassy. I feel safe here. The house is a 4 bedroom castle and a good place for me to escape from the intensity of the city. I’ve travelled outside of the city to the island of Zanzibar and 2 local cities. I want to develop the routine of once per month escaping the city. I have now opportunities to play football (soccer) 4 times a week if I choose, swimming and playing football are my means of physical exercise so I'm relieved to have both easy accessible. There has been many (too many?) party weekends. 

High Point (work):
Senior Leaders beginning to Change their thinking: I got to teach a 3 day problem solving class to 16 Senior Public Maternal Health Administrators and workers. I co facilitated the class with my hero Dr. Brenda.
Helping Healthcare Leaders think differently about the root causes of their problems

I will struggle to give you data to measure the impact this had on them but I saw enough evidence to say that this could be the greatest teaching moment I've ever had - they were so determined to changing their own ways. The goal of the 3 days was for them to reflect on the flaws of their current thinking so they stop blaming and start going to the maternal hospitals, observing the work and talking to the people who do the work. To be managers that supports their front line workers by being with them and deeply understanding the problems. 
Working with Team members on reflecting on how we do continuous improvement

Dr. Brenda has been in the maternal wards with them since and has in her own words observed a transformational shift in their thinking. The exciting part is that it is only the beginning of the journey for these managers as we (Dr. Brenda & I) have committed to give them more follow up mentoring and training. With all my heart I believe that this investment will make a difference in the maternal and infant death rates.

Teaching a 3 day Problem Solving Class to Public Health Workers

Low Point (work):
Tragedy at Temake: Temake Maternal hospital has statistics the no hospital in the world would envy (For the first 3 months of 2013: 4896 births; 13 maternal deaths; 169 stillbirths and 80 neonatal deaths). It was time for me to go see with my own eyes. The day will live with me for the rest of my life. To see a still birth being delivered and then two premature twin babies being left to the side to die was truly heart-breaking. When I looked at the patient records with Dr. Brenda & Dr. Yoni it revealed the greatest tragedy of all - the loss of life was preventable. As for me the images of blood on the floor, the unsanitary conditions, 3 women per bed, women lying on a floor, women screaming in pain, women in agony in silence, over worked staff, the broken management system they were working in and the image of the dead and dying infants has pierced my heart to the core. It's the greatest inspiration I have had in my life to continue with the work here. The human need is so great the suffering so needless. We can do something about it.

High Point (Personal)

Community: there are so many good people here, I have had the pleasure of meeting so many heroes’, so many people to be inspired by. I really feel lucky with both the house I live in and the people I share it with, we've become a family of sorts - cooking for each other, socializing together and being a community. I feel that too with the church I started to go to, it is so important to have people you can begin to call friends or at least begin the journey to friendship. I have been fortunate to meet fellow ex-pats willing to share their experience and knowledge with me so to better equip me to adapting to life here.

With my friend and Swahili teacher Fulgence

Low Point (Personal)
Loneliness. I must be honest here, however my pride would prefer to hide it. There have been many moments and days in a city of 5 million people I have never felt so disconnect from people. There is a disconnect with ex-pats and locals that is hard to explain but is a reality. Within the ex-pat community deep meaningful relations seem hard to find. I'm not saying it is impossible but it really is challenging. It has yet been a great lesson for me - that I have tested myself and know myself better. I am now spending more time in meditation and prayer reconnecting with myself and my creator, the solutions to my own personal struggles are not my external environment but lie within me. My personal pain is getting better but I feel it important to recognize it, appreciate it and grow from it. That's what I choose to do. 
In the community observing peoples struggles of a life in poverty

Mob Violence. Tanzania is one of the most beautiful places in the word with people that can no doubt teach westerns about the real meaning of life. However it would be naive of me to exclude an ugly side. I could tell you about how much widespread dishonesty is in the population as so many people including police and government officials are every day I feel out to rip me off. It can piss you off at times but with patience and experience I can see myself managing this with a smile. Witnessing Mob justice sickened me to the core. The thief (or should I say what looked like a 12 year old boy) along with the mob that were holding him only passed me by for a few seconds. What I learned was that he was caught trying to steal a mobile phone. When I asked what were they going to do with him, I almost got sick. They were going to beat him to the brink of death and then burn him alive. This punishment was the mobs way of dealing with crime in the absence of effective policing. How can this happen to this child. I am not here to analysis all these problems but I share this with you the reader. There is no simple solution. Wherever there is poverty there is injustice. The choice for the west is to act or not act.

What you can do:
Part of me wishes I could give you a very specific action that would make a meaningful contribution to this cause. Signing up to become a mentor in the Mentors for Africa program for example is one way to involve people who can't necessarily travel and be on the ground and is one of many ways you can help. Another part of me wants to give you a powerful quote that will inspire you. But instead ask yourself why are you reading this? What are you hoping to get from this, information, entertainment, inspiration? What change you want to make in your life? Decide to do nothing or do something. Whatever you do - do not procrastinate, you’re wasting your own time. 

Personal Message
Passion is the pain you are willing to endure to follow through on something that you believe in. Even though these first 79 days have not been without their challenges I believe that my purpose here is 100% intact. As I write this I fly home to be with my family in Ireland for 2weeks. It's the break I needed, however I can't wait to return to Tanzania fully charged to continue my work here. I alone am not a saviour of the issues here, my approach has got its flaws and I mess up and sometimes do more bad than good. Many more are serving far more effectively.  The human need is overwhelming and we don't have enough people, I will commit to making the best with the limited resources we have,  I will continually seek to improve, I want to get better, the better I can be as a person the better I can serve the women and children. They are my ultimate inspiration.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mentors for Africa collaborates with Center for Palliative Care, Nigeria and Association for Reproductive and Family Health Nigeria

In spite of the very short planning period, approximately one month, the first pro-bono "Fundamentals of Lean Thinking and Lean Management" training was held at the Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) offices in Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria, 9 – 11 April 2013. The training was collaboration between Mentors for Africa, Center for Palliative Care, Nigeria (CPCN) and ARFH.

I arrived in Ibadan on Monday and was able to visit the offices of the CPCN for a “Go See” prior to the training, I met the very lovely and dedicated staff and was extremely moved by the conversation I had with the President, Prof. Olaitan Soyannwo. We discussed their current process and I am happy to report that they do have the beginnings of a Tier process, i.e. they meet daily to discuss the plan for the day, but we were going to have to work on visual metrics.

The next day was training day, I arrived bright and early, not entirely sure of the make-up of the participants, I knew we had participants for the CPCN, ARFH and the local teaching hospital, University College Hospital (UCH), but that was about as much I knew. I was pleasantly surprised to see a packed room, approximately 30 participants from 20 different organizations – NGOs, Hospitals, Nigerian Academy of Sciences... to name a few.
We started with an “Opening ceremony”, different for me but the intent was noble... this was a big deal. We had the CEO of the State’s Broadcasting Corporation give opening remarks and declare the training “Open”.

The next 3 days went in a flash, Participants were great, completely involved and asking all the right questions. One of their biggest concerns was around Good sponsorship, so I included some Change Management at the end of the lean training.

Overall, this was for me an overwhelming success. I truly believe that each participant left with something worthwhile and something they can pass on, and that makes it all worthwhile. I urged the participants to move themselves up the “Change Curve”, from “Contact” to “Institutionalize” by practicing and reaching out to M4A for mentorship.

I will certainly do this again; I know I got much more out of it than they did. It is I who should be grateful for the opportunity to share my knowledge and pay it forward.

Meeting CPCN Folks

Day 1 - Picture with all Participants

Day 1 - News Crew
Day 3 - Almost done with training (Bitter / Sweet)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Volunteering as a Management Consultant in Africa

Management Consultant shares his 5 week volunteer experiences with a Healthcare provider in Tanzania - Oct / Nov 2012

Week 1 & 2:
My first two weeks have gone by so fast and hectic. Find below a summary of my activities & reflections.

Volunteer Related Activities Summary:
For the first two weeks I was joined by Emili Whittaker (a friend of mine from work). It was fantastic having Emili here to work with me.
Emili and I arriving into Dar Es Salaam

  • First week - Emili and I prepared CCBRT (www.ccbrt.or.tz) for its first ever Kaizen event.
  • Second week we led the team over 4 days to solve the problem of the stock out of vital items required for the disability hospital. It was very exhausting work yet very satisfying to see the participants go through the process but more importantly to see how they learned by following the process. Outside of the kaizen preparation and kaizen event I gave the CEO and his senior leadership team in CCBRT multiple introduction presentations to lean management (Visual Management, The Tier Process & Standard Work for Leaders)
    Working with Leaders of the organization on Problem Solving
Non-Volunteer Related Activities Summary:
Got to play soccer 3 times. Most impressively I got to play as part of an ex-pat team in the national stadium of Zanzibar against a local team. Awesome!

About to play soccer in Zanzibar International Stadium

On Sunday I went on a bike tour of the city's most poverty stricken areas.  It was amazing to see the reaction of the local kids as they screamed "mzungu" at me while pointing and smiling. I must have high-fived about 50 kids. As "celebrity" as the reception was - it was heartbreaking to see the living conditions these children were surrounded by. With raw sewage flowing through the streets it wasn’t surprising to find that diarrhea was the number one cause of infant deaths. The images will live in my memory for a long time to come.
With local kids in the city
High point:
The excitement and determination from the CEO to start installing a Lean Management System in his organization after I gave him and his leadership team multiple presentations on the topic. What really excites me about this is the extraordinary potential that this will have in really transforming the way they manage their organization.

Low Point:
Getting food poisoning twice. I guess my western sensitized stomach disagreed with some of the local food offerings. Fully recovered now - fingers crossed for the remaining three weeks.
 Inspecting some of the local food markets

How you can help:
I have nothing specific at this moment, but watch this space.

Personal Message:
My main goal in my time in Tanzania is knowledge transfer, I know I said this before in my previous email but I want to restate this. Almost everything that I am teaching these managers in CCBRT has been from my skills and experiences that I have learned working in the West (US & Europe). I know what I am doing here, you can do (and better than me), whether it is for organizations in our communities at home or afar. On my 20 min taxi ride to CCBRT every morning I read a hand painted sign at a shoe stand on the side of the road that inspires me every time I see it. "Education is more powerful than money".
My car ride view into work every day

We can make Poverty History.
Week 3:

Another week in paradise!
Find below a summary of my activities & reflections.

Volunteer Related Activities Summary:
I spent most of the past week helping the team complete the Kaizen event for the stock out of vital items in the hospital that we started the previous week. I am really pleased with how this has progressed. Seeing team members react to the impact of this method to solve problems is so encouraging. In their own words "we have never gone about solving problems like this in the past, I want this process to become our future". I also worked on preparing the next Kaizen that we'll be starting this week – reducing errors in the monthly financial reports.
Teaching the team some problem solving tools
On Wednesday I gave yet another Lean Management presentation to the CEO and his senior leadership team. However this time it was different. (See high point below).

Non-Volunteer Related Activities Summary:
The soccer game I played in the national stadium of Zanzibar two weeks prior had a TV crew from Zanzibar TV show up.  I got together with some of my fellow players on the team and watched the 10 minute highlights recording they made which included post game interviews. They made us sound like professionals! It amazing to watch – they were so honored to have foreigners come and play against them.
I got to swim in the Indian Ocean and a local pool in the evenings this week. So peaceful – it really helped me clear my mind.

High point:
The reception to the lean management presentation on Wednesday was probably one of the greatest moments of my professional career. I got some great feedback prior to the presentation that the leadership team was struggling with envisioning what lean management would look like in their areas. My western examples were not working. So this time I focused on CCBRT. I highlighted examples of lean management that they were already doing (maintenance visual boards that were in the hospital wards that I helped them create over a year ago), and I created two example with the support of the department heads of the private clinic and finance department of what lean management would look like in their areas. No more death by PowerPoint! It was the "Ah-ha" moment I was looking for. I'm going to make the follow through required by the CEO and his leadership team from moving this from vision to realization my number one priority in my remaining 2 weeks.
Facilitating problem solving sessions

Low Point:
Realizing that I'm now past the half way point of my trip. However this has motivated me to make the most of my remaining time, especially the face time I have with the CEO & his team – effective planning will be my ally as opposed to some of the "winging it" meetings I've had with them to date.

How you can help:
I have nothing specific at this moment, but watch this space. It's coming.

Personal Message:
I am of the opinion that giving CCBRT the foundation blocks of a lean management system could be the single greatest impact I give to CCBRT. The presentation was a moment of personal insight to the team; however the real strength is in the intense personal doing, reflecting, learning that the "Ah-ha" moments come from, not from me or from particular tools. I told them that I really believe that this can revolutionize the organization. I am not saying this to be dramatic or to make myself look good. I am not saying this because I have a good feeling or read an article in a book about it or I see their organization as an "ideal" candidate. I saying this because I believe with ALL MY HEART that this does work, I've seen it, I've resisted it, I've created it, I've lived it, I've coached it. My eyes are watering up as I write this but for a good reason, for it's the patients CCBRT will serve in the future that are the real winners here.


Week 4:

Another week in paradise!

Find below a summary of my activities & reflections.

Volunteer Related Activities Summary:
This week I led two discussions with the senior leadership team on everyone's favorite subject – time management. 
Teaching Time Management Principals and Application Tips

As with us in the West – the classic "I'm too busy" "I don’t have enough time" excuses were analyzed and exposed for the misconceptions that they are (For those that don’t know me I am a fanatical believer that lack of time isn’t the problem – but lack of clarity and definition). I used the "Getting Things Done" model that I have personally used and openly shared with them my personal successes and failures using the model.  Although there was a universal good feeling after both discussions– it's all about application, which is a personal decision. I left with a strong hope that at least some of them will start to apply this.
Explaining to some of the Leaders on the benefits of visual management

I had one-one coaching sessions with 9 senior leaders this week. The subjects varied from lean management and project management to developing people. My personal favorite was when I met with one of the Doctors who are working on a CCBRT project that is trying to build capability in ~9 maternal health centre's in Dar es Salaam. She shared with me her successes and failures on this project.  She was adamant that the root cause of the failures in these health centers was management – this affirmed my own personal belief that "everything rises and falls with Leadership". She was so excited and fascinated to hear that I was here to focus on the development of management – something she never previously seen a focus on. I will continue this conversation with her this week. I'm excited about how we can find ways to close this gap.

Non-Volunteer Related Activities Summary:
I got to observe the official opening of the new fistula wards at the hospital. What a moving ceremony. My personal highlight was when one of the doctors during his acceptance speech spoke openly of his faith in God and how he was so honored to be given the opportunity to serve these women. It was a lump in throat moment. A man living a Life with meaning and purpose, so inspirational.

No soccer for me this week hurt my foot. Instead I had a swim in the Indian Ocean and later with a beer in hand watched the sunset with friends. What a feeling.

High point:
Rehema - Rehema is the manager the runs the private clinic within CCBRT. This week I was coaching her on installing a lean management system within the private clinic. Observing her run her first daily accountability meeting (equivalent to our Tier 1 meetings in MMD) and then another time observing her explaining to visiting managers the new system, made me beam with pride. In the 6 years I've been doing this – that was the best debut performance I've ever seen. What a class act.
With Rehema, observing her teach her colleagues

Low Point:
Realizing that I've got only 5 working days left with CCBRT before I fly home. I'm going to give it everything this week. This will be my greatest week yet.

How you can help:
It's coming. Keep watching this space.

Personal Message:
My experience in Africa over the last 4 weeks has made me reflect on my strong belief that "talent is universal, opportunity is not". Rehema, her fellow managers and millions of people in Africa have (if not equal) more talent than me and you. However, they have not had the opportunity you and I have gotten to date. Only one thing can change that. Investing in People. Education is the greatest accelerant of human potential. Not just the education that comes from schools and universities, but the education that comes from the continued development of skills and behaviors throughout ones career. My experience with briefly working with Rehema was a simple yet beautiful story of the power of knowledge transfer that will live with me for a long time to come.

Week 5:
I arrived back in the US yesterday.

Find below a summary of my activities & reflections from my last week with CCBRT.

Volunteer Related Activities Summary:
This week I led my final discussions with the senior leadership team on time management focusing on Stephen Coveys "First things First" from the "7 Habits of highly successful people". Once again I openly shared with them my personal successes and failures with time management. I challenged them to go and create a personal vision, mission & identify roles and goals for 2013. This really caused some anxiety, in the words of one of the participants "this exercise exposes the truth … which some of us are afraid to face". I feel confident that some of them will rise to the challenge.
I also executed Edward Deming's "Red Bead Experiment", self described as the most ridiculous and silly training that you will ever do, but will never forget. I believe they really absorbed the learning's of the experiment. Best of all, I handed the kit to one of their employees who is going to run this for the managers that were not able to attend. This for me was what I wanted most - to pass the skill on.

As with last week I had more one-one coaching sessions with the leadership team. It was so rewarding to see them be challenged during our sessions. They literally asked me 100's of questions! On Tuesday evening I gave a lecture to ~150 MBA students on Lean Management at a university in the city. I got a wave of offers from the University staff and students to return - but I unfortunately had to decline. You can't even imagine how hungry these professionals are for this knowledge.
Teaching MBA students at a local university

Non-Volunteer Related Activities Summary:
The President of Tanzania came on Tuesday afternoon for a check handing over ceremony. It was great to see how CCBRT employees were so excited with the visit of the President. Lots of security, it was a big deal. My moment came when just a few minutes before he departed when I reached out for a handshake. Got it. The rest of the week I was boasting to my Tanzanian colleges that I got to shake hands with their President. 

High point:
There was so many. What stands out the most were the moments where I watched the student become the teacher. After weeks of coaching someone, there is no greater feeling than to see them share the knowledge with others. I had the privilege of witnessing this multiple times.
Observing the student become the Teacher 
Low Point:
For the 3rd time of my trip I got food poisoning. I thought that would win the "low point" award for the week. But not this time.
It was my reflection on certain elements of the future that got me down. Everyone needs a coach in their career - I would be nowhere near as effective here in CCBRT without the coaches I have had in my career. It is a lump in throat moment knowing that they still need more help, they still need more coaching, but they don’t have access to the same reservoir of talent as we do here in the West. It motivated me however to find help for them. I know we can do something about this.

How you can help:
Need more time to articulate my thoughts - I will put together something in the next few days.

Personal Message:
On Friday afternoon, CCBRT staff gave me a going away / thank you presentation. They thanked me for the time I spent with them and the knowledge shared. In my response I told them that I was one of the most privileged people on earth. Lucky to have been born in a developed country, lucky to have been born to two great parents, lucky to have received a world class education, lucky to have a healthcare system that if needed was always there, lucky to get experiences in the West where I received so much development to be in a position where I could give back. The truth is that it is my honor to serve them. My experiences in CCBRT have made me a better person; there is no greater compliment that I could give them. They are my heroes.

Engaging with CCBRT Patients (childeren with disabilities) in the community - Helping these children reminds me of the ultimate goal of me volunteering here and the challenges that lie ahead

I have so many photos and videos to share, but need to put them together to tell the story. I hope to share this with you in the next few days in addition to the times that I will be presenting in person. Thanks for reading these emails so far. It really made a difference to me knowing that you took time out of your day to read. 
